Use the Grade View Navigation area

Grade View shows all student test and question statuses. Within the Grade View Navigation area, teachers can separate students through test status and question filters. The color-coded Question Navigation bar provides an overview of the answer status for each question in a test and allows quick access to specific questions.

Clicking the Key tab at the bottom center of the Grade View reveals a chart explaining the meaning behind the colors and icons used in the page.

Click image to expand.

You can navigate to other eAssessments resources and views by selecting any of the following icons.

  • Assignments
  • Share with Students
  • Reports

Filter by a specific student test status

You can filter and navigate by students' assignment status using the Test Status drop-down list.

  1. Click the Test Status drop-down box.
  2. Find and select a specific student test status; for example, Needs to be Graded.
  3. The Students list shows only students with that test status.
  4. Select a student in the Students list to review and/or grade.


Filter by a specific question status

You can filter and navigate questions by question status using the Questions drop-down list.

  1. Click the Questions drop-down box. (Choose a student filter, if necessary)
  2. Find and select a specific question status; for example, Incorrect.
  3. The Question Navigation bar filters to show only questions of that type.
  4. Select students on the Students list panel to review responses for the selected question status.

You can use both the Test Status and Questions filters at the same time to filter and navigate to specific student statuses and questions, based on your criteria. The appearance of specific filters depends on their relevance to the selected assignment and not all filters may appear in the Grade View at all times.


Navigate to a specific question

The Question Navigation bar gives you a color-coded summary of a student’s grading status and quick access to assessment questions. To go to a specific question:

  1. Click on any color-coded question number on the Question Navigation bar.
  2. Review and/or grade as needed.

The Question Navigation bar arrows only appear when the test contains more than 10 questions. The bar navigates to the previous or next series of 10 questions.